Italy's History

    Italy's history was so long ago and historians don't know exactly who founded it or discovered Italy. However, historians did uncover most of the mystery and also some exiting historical events.
  Since  ancient Italy was known to be around since the 5th cent b.c.. Although Giuseppe Garibaldi created the present-day Itlay, historians don't know who founded it. The earliest history recorded was a tribe called the Etruscans . Historical events include the Italian Renassance and the crossing of the Rubicon.
Giuseppe Garibaldi

Giuseppe Garibaldi

    Giuseppe Garibaldi is considered a hero to the nation of Italy today. Garibaldi was in the War of Farrapos and also was in the Uruguan Civil War. In his early years, however, he was an exile. Garibaldi was a political republican and conquered Scicily and Naples.